Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Reflection on benefits of google classroom

Reflection on Google Classroom  
For the last few years in the college we used Google classroom that is VlE, I had the opportunity to use every day. This provides a teacher the opportunity to create a class that we can join. Once in the classroom we can read the teacher’s announcement and complete assignments that the teacher has posted. The teacher can create a document in his or her drive and then post it onto the classroom page. We then click on the assignment and it is automatically saved in the drive as well as shared with the teacher in their drive.

We can then complete the assignment. When they are finished, they can submit the assignment and the teacher will know whether we did the assignment or not. Google Classroom allows a teacher to create a template and then each student can change it and add to it in the way they need to. Instead of students having to copy the document and a teacher worrying a student will alter the document, Google Classroom is a great solution.

For the past few years I have been using Google Classroom but, I do not have any ideas of creating my own classroom for my students in future. Now after taking the module called ICT in teaching and learning, I knew how to create my own classroom for my students in order to keep in touch not only in the classroom but from everywhere. In Classroom students not only submit assignments but I can post announcements and we can have discussions at anytime. We can continue our classroom discussion when we leave school and students can pose questions.

Google Classroom allows creating a worksheet that the students can complete. It also gives the templates of worksheets or activities and it is put into Drive in a separate folder. This program has allowed taking Google Docs to a new level. Through Google Classroom, we can often read a student’s writing and grade it; to find out they were not done.  Google Classroom will allow sharing documents easily, which will motivate to create more and try new things.

I believe Google classroom will open the doors to other teachers using Google Docs in the classroom since students don’t have to struggle with typing. Now, this will solve that problem. It is also very user friendly so I believe everyone will use this Google Classroom to meet the needs of the students in the simple way.

Saturday, May 18, 2019

How to use Camtasia and its benefits.

Camtasia studio is two products in one, the screen recorder and video maker and editor. It is capable of creating interactive and powerful videos that can be used for making You Tube videos and allows developing video tutorials and uploading them as well. Camtasia compromises of the following:
·         An audio and video recorder and A studio editor

Before learning the module ICT in teaching and learning, I did not have any knowledge about Camtasia.  After this module was introduced, I was able to learn everything related to the ICT which I need in my life as future. In this semester the most important that I knew is about Camtasia. As I know about the Camtasia, it allows us to edit video that is already recorded and also allows us develop video tutorials etc. We can easily record software applications, PowerPoint presentations, and Web camera videos through the Camtasia.

Moreover, I learned how to insert videos, pictures and background music to make the video attractive for the audience. This gives us many editing tools like we can record our own voice, split the parts, and work on it whenever we feel there is necessary after keeping our work saved.

With so many benefits it’s no wonder that Camtasia is the best teaching tool to cater all learners with different learning abilities. Using Camtasia we can make videos and presentation related to topic and make classroom interactive and fun learning environment. We need to use this software in teaching and learning in the classroom to enhance the students learning and teachers teaching.

Wednesday, May 1, 2019

Excel is a commercial spreadsheet application produced and distributed by Microsoft for Microsoft Windows. It features the ability to perform basic calculations, use graphing tools, create pivot tables and create macros.

Excel has the same basic features as all spreadsheet applications, which use a collection of cells arranged into rows and columns to organize and manipulate data. They can also display data as charts, histograms and line graphs.Microsoft Excel formulas, formatting options and other data management and visualization tool can helps to perform complex mathematical, logical and financial calculation faster with accuracy.

At the end I will say, that above is nothing, but little basic things that are really important for students or everyone. Microsoft Excel is really a very important application to teach, to include in classroom lecture and in the education systems and process.

It’s really important to convert facts into raw data. Then it’s important to filter or formulate that data and create meaningful information. After that, it’s really important to analyze and execute that information for knowledge. And knowledge purifies our mind, habits, culture, society, and country.

Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Reflection on micro soft word

Microsoft word is word processing software. Microsoft Word is used to create and edit professional-looking documents such as applications, forms, templates, business cards, letters, paper, reports, and booklets by using Microsoft Word.

Importance of Microsoft Word in Education:

 When you type on wrong spelling on Microsoft Word it highlights your mistake in the red line in real time. Then you right click and correct it. Similar, students observe spelling mistake in real time. It means they will try to take the decision based on suggestion after click on the word underline red. Now they can observe, judge, think which one spelling is correct?

That is going to self-learning practices and freedom to take the decision. It will improve their brain power, thinking pattern. And if students are able to do that small work, teachers can maximize their topic broadly. That’s why I think Microsoft word can help students to correct mistakes and improve self-analysis ability.

Students and teachers can insert and use diagrams, table, chart, and smart art etc. visual explanation tools. They can use it to teach, define, and explain complex lessons in simple methods. Chart, table, smart art and shapes and various other visual objects can benefit students to understand more about the topic practically.

That’s why I think how Microsoft word application can be used and utilized by teachers and students to faster the process of receiving and giving information. And to achieve these purposes, I believe Microsoft Word is an important application that can improve and maximize practical education practices in schools and colleges. In conclusion, I want to say that the use of technologies in the classroom should be directed to enhance intelligence in students mind and not to make them lazy and less critical.

Monday, April 15, 2019

Reflection on Power Point
A power point is designed to create presentations consisting of a series of separate pages or slides. Unlike in the school using green board and chart, in the college one easiest way to present our work through power point. The first thing we need to understand about PowerPoint is the concept of slides. Slide is like a blank document, which presents ideas in the form of text, images, charts and animations. The first slide is the one which introduces the topic of the presentation; this is followed by a step by step sequence which has a specific start and a conclusion.

PowerPoint encourages and supports teaching learning process by facilitating the material presentation. It helps us to improve the clarity and the arrangement of a presentation. PowerPoint is able to perform a variety of manipulations, such as editing text before printing it out, and we can add new slides for adding new materials. PowerPoint can also help in explaining long concept in a shorter time using videos. It helps us to improve the learning motivation, increasing authentic materials for study, encouraging interaction between the teacher and the students.

Power Point is about making an impact that influences audience. To have that, we need to follow principles of PowerPoint presentations. Too many texts are not good for the audience instead we need to use simple slides and explain in such a way that can convey information with supporting the points to the audiences. Take the slide with five bullets and make five separate slides with either just a graphic that illustrates the point or a graphic and a word or two, but without a bullet point.

Thus based on these benefits, I would say using power point is an effective way to enhance learning process. Overall the class is always a successful using power point, I learned new things and enjoys every bit of information I gain in the class. The process of creating presentations is very easy using PowerPoint. PowerPoint can be used by anybody for effective communications. Graphics, charts, animation and movies can be used in presentations with the click of a button. PowerPoint can be used by students, teachers, professionals etc.

Wednesday, April 3, 2019

About Virtual Learning Environment
Compared to those years when we were in school, many changes have occurred that promote and support students and teachers to adopt technology in learning. One of the most useful components in the college I found is the Virtual Learning Environment. It aims to simplify the workloads for both teachers and students by grading assignments through online and all information we can able to get from there, which is very an important part of learning. It was officially introduced as a feature of college and all college students have started using since they get into the Paro College of Education.

It is very easy to use and designed to save time. This app is easily accessible and useable to teachers and students in both face-to-face learning environments and fully online environment. This enables to collect assignments and communications in multiple instructional forms like a discussion with module tutors where we can ask our doubts. Here teacher can upload materials and can give feedback to students. Students also can upload materials and do not have to go in person. Moreover, students can get announcement related to college activities. They can download videos which are related to their subject thus can help to produce the best assignment.

VLE is effective and easy to use. We can get so many uploaded files at a time. We can get the information by login into the class by using the username name from anywhere and anytime. It is easy to use on any mobile device. Mobile access to learning materials that are attractive and easy to interact with is critical in today’s learning environments. VLE has unlimited storage. Most of the time, it cost high to send our assignment in hard copy. Previously in our school, we used hard copy where students fail to send on time and teachers are not able to find out who all have sent. With the use of VLE now it’s easy for both teachers and students to assess through online.

Teaching in the 21st century doesn’t mean teaching 21st children. It simply means helping and monitoring the students to learn and implement 21st-century skill. So teachers must be very welcoming to any new technology to ensure the best learning. VLE is the one which I found very important learning tool where I can get all information login into it. I can get all reading materials in the learning using a virtual learning environment.

Saturday, March 23, 2019

Reflection on use of ICT in Teaching and learning

ICT in education is the main mode of education that uses information and communications technology to support and enhance the delivery of information. The ICT into the learning environment has created a greater focus on the teamwork and interaction between and among many students’ aspects of student centered environments. The support and guidance from the teacher remains important. The majority of students valued learning with ICT when it was relevant, gave them ownership, control and independence in their daily learning.

An ICT classroom has been proven to be the right choice when it comes to learning. It helps us to learn more easily and on higher level. FIT in the first year, we noted that the use of the Internet at college often inhibited learning. Most of the students preferred to access the Internet at home as there was familiarity of the home resources made it easier to use as a learning tool while we do our assignment. ICT can broaden the walls of classroom with ease, and take learning to the next level by making study materials easily accessible for us. There are many more about ICT to learn but one important thing is how well we use in our daily learning.

One of the most common uses of ICT in the college are  ppt, video clips, Google, we chat discussion, VLE forums and many more. These make our learning easy and more interactive and have become important part of learning based on our needs. Another important part of technology that I like the most is we can create opportunities for repetition and practice till we get the clear concept of the topic. Teacher need not have to come and instruct time and again where it frees up the teachers. Technology is being used to help collaborate with other learners. We no longer need to learn in isolation. By using the above mentioned apps, we can share what we learn with others in the classroom and across the classroom.

While I recollect about my school days, ICT results better than those not well equipped. There is a significant improvement on learner’s performances. In our daily learning, ICT adds sensory strength to topics. It adds great value to learning experiences for some types of learners allowing them to see or hear. Every day we enjoy learning through ICT and we should make use of ICT and adopt the use of ICT in order to have a lively classroom.  Finally, use of ICT is important for both learners and teachers to make their learning environment better.