Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Reflection on micro soft word

Microsoft word is word processing software. Microsoft Word is used to create and edit professional-looking documents such as applications, forms, templates, business cards, letters, paper, reports, and booklets by using Microsoft Word.

Importance of Microsoft Word in Education:

 When you type on wrong spelling on Microsoft Word it highlights your mistake in the red line in real time. Then you right click and correct it. Similar, students observe spelling mistake in real time. It means they will try to take the decision based on suggestion after click on the word underline red. Now they can observe, judge, think which one spelling is correct?

That is going to self-learning practices and freedom to take the decision. It will improve their brain power, thinking pattern. And if students are able to do that small work, teachers can maximize their topic broadly. That’s why I think Microsoft word can help students to correct mistakes and improve self-analysis ability.

Students and teachers can insert and use diagrams, table, chart, and smart art etc. visual explanation tools. They can use it to teach, define, and explain complex lessons in simple methods. Chart, table, smart art and shapes and various other visual objects can benefit students to understand more about the topic practically.

That’s why I think how Microsoft word application can be used and utilized by teachers and students to faster the process of receiving and giving information. And to achieve these purposes, I believe Microsoft Word is an important application that can improve and maximize practical education practices in schools and colleges. In conclusion, I want to say that the use of technologies in the classroom should be directed to enhance intelligence in students mind and not to make them lazy and less critical.

1 comment:

  1. Through your reflection I gained the knowleage about the features and advantages involved in using microsoft word. Yes karma it will definately help students and teachers in teaching and learning as you have reflected
