Wednesday, May 1, 2019

Excel is a commercial spreadsheet application produced and distributed by Microsoft for Microsoft Windows. It features the ability to perform basic calculations, use graphing tools, create pivot tables and create macros.

Excel has the same basic features as all spreadsheet applications, which use a collection of cells arranged into rows and columns to organize and manipulate data. They can also display data as charts, histograms and line graphs.Microsoft Excel formulas, formatting options and other data management and visualization tool can helps to perform complex mathematical, logical and financial calculation faster with accuracy.

At the end I will say, that above is nothing, but little basic things that are really important for students or everyone. Microsoft Excel is really a very important application to teach, to include in classroom lecture and in the education systems and process.

It’s really important to convert facts into raw data. Then it’s important to filter or formulate that data and create meaningful information. After that, it’s really important to analyze and execute that information for knowledge. And knowledge purifies our mind, habits, culture, society, and country.


  1. A gentle reminder to me as i forgot about it. Informative relflection. Keeping going.

  2. your reflection on excel has refreshed my knowledge on it.
    it is worth reading.

  3. Well written, through your reflection I come to knew the features contained in the spreed sheet and advantages of using it. Thank you
