Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Reflection on benefits of google classroom

Reflection on Google Classroom  
For the last few years in the college we used Google classroom that is VlE, I had the opportunity to use every day. This provides a teacher the opportunity to create a class that we can join. Once in the classroom we can read the teacher’s announcement and complete assignments that the teacher has posted. The teacher can create a document in his or her drive and then post it onto the classroom page. We then click on the assignment and it is automatically saved in the drive as well as shared with the teacher in their drive.

We can then complete the assignment. When they are finished, they can submit the assignment and the teacher will know whether we did the assignment or not. Google Classroom allows a teacher to create a template and then each student can change it and add to it in the way they need to. Instead of students having to copy the document and a teacher worrying a student will alter the document, Google Classroom is a great solution.

For the past few years I have been using Google Classroom but, I do not have any ideas of creating my own classroom for my students in future. Now after taking the module called ICT in teaching and learning, I knew how to create my own classroom for my students in order to keep in touch not only in the classroom but from everywhere. In Classroom students not only submit assignments but I can post announcements and we can have discussions at anytime. We can continue our classroom discussion when we leave school and students can pose questions.

Google Classroom allows creating a worksheet that the students can complete. It also gives the templates of worksheets or activities and it is put into Drive in a separate folder. This program has allowed taking Google Docs to a new level. Through Google Classroom, we can often read a student’s writing and grade it; to find out they were not done.  Google Classroom will allow sharing documents easily, which will motivate to create more and try new things.

I believe Google classroom will open the doors to other teachers using Google Docs in the classroom since students don’t have to struggle with typing. Now, this will solve that problem. It is also very user friendly so I believe everyone will use this Google Classroom to meet the needs of the students in the simple way.


  1. Hi Karma,
    I have gone through your reflection on google classroom thoroughly. After going through it I am happy to know that you have learned so many thing from this google classroom, so I am very much sure that you will integrate this ICT knowledge in your classroom to make your teaching more lively.

  2. Karma, you have uploaded enough information on google classroom and well reflected how you felt about after you learned about google classroom.Keep it up!

  3. you have written very well and as a evidence you have uploaded some pictures also and that is great idea.

  4. you have provided adequate resources on google classroom, and also shared your experience about before learning about google classroom and after learning about this. with your experiences shared,those who go through this reflection will get inspiration.

    1. you have provided adequate resources on google classroom, and also shared your experience about before learning about google classroom and after learning about this. with your experiences shared,those who go through this reflection will get inspiration.

    2. karma, i unknowingly commented on your reflection from someone's(karma wangmo) email. sorry for that.
