Wednesday, April 3, 2019

About Virtual Learning Environment
Compared to those years when we were in school, many changes have occurred that promote and support students and teachers to adopt technology in learning. One of the most useful components in the college I found is the Virtual Learning Environment. It aims to simplify the workloads for both teachers and students by grading assignments through online and all information we can able to get from there, which is very an important part of learning. It was officially introduced as a feature of college and all college students have started using since they get into the Paro College of Education.

It is very easy to use and designed to save time. This app is easily accessible and useable to teachers and students in both face-to-face learning environments and fully online environment. This enables to collect assignments and communications in multiple instructional forms like a discussion with module tutors where we can ask our doubts. Here teacher can upload materials and can give feedback to students. Students also can upload materials and do not have to go in person. Moreover, students can get announcement related to college activities. They can download videos which are related to their subject thus can help to produce the best assignment.

VLE is effective and easy to use. We can get so many uploaded files at a time. We can get the information by login into the class by using the username name from anywhere and anytime. It is easy to use on any mobile device. Mobile access to learning materials that are attractive and easy to interact with is critical in today’s learning environments. VLE has unlimited storage. Most of the time, it cost high to send our assignment in hard copy. Previously in our school, we used hard copy where students fail to send on time and teachers are not able to find out who all have sent. With the use of VLE now it’s easy for both teachers and students to assess through online.

Teaching in the 21st century doesn’t mean teaching 21st children. It simply means helping and monitoring the students to learn and implement 21st-century skill. So teachers must be very welcoming to any new technology to ensure the best learning. VLE is the one which I found very important learning tool where I can get all information login into it. I can get all reading materials in the learning using a virtual learning environment.

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