Reflection on use of ICT in Teaching and learning
ICT in education is the main mode of education that uses information
and communications technology to support and enhance the delivery of
information. The ICT into the learning environment has created a
greater focus on the teamwork and interaction between and among many students’
aspects of student centered environments. The support and guidance from the
teacher remains important. The majority of students valued learning with ICT
when it was relevant, gave them ownership, control and independence in their
daily learning.
ICT classroom has been proven to be the right choice when it comes to learning.
It helps us to learn more easily and on higher level. FIT in the first year, we
noted that the use of the Internet at college often inhibited learning. Most of
the students preferred to access the Internet at home as there was familiarity
of the home resources made it easier to use as a learning tool while we do our
assignment. ICT can broaden the walls of classroom with ease, and take learning
to the next level by making study materials easily accessible for us. There are
many more about ICT to learn but one important thing is how well we use in our
daily learning.
of the most common uses of ICT in the college are ppt, video clips, Google, we chat discussion,
VLE forums and many more. These make our learning easy and more interactive and
have become important part of learning based on our needs. Another important
part of technology that I like the most is we can create opportunities for repetition
and practice till we get the clear concept of the topic. Teacher need not have
to come and instruct time and again where it frees up the teachers. Technology
is being used to help collaborate with other learners. We no longer need to
learn in isolation. By using the above mentioned apps, we can share what we
learn with others in the classroom and across the classroom.
I recollect about my school days, ICT results better than those not well
equipped. There is a significant improvement on learner’s performances. In our daily
learning, ICT adds sensory strength to topics. It adds great value to learning
experiences for some types of learners allowing them to see or hear. Every
day we enjoy learning through ICT and we should make use of ICT and adopt the
use of ICT in order to have a lively classroom.
Finally, use of ICT is important for both learners and teachers to make
their learning environment better.
Hi Karma, your reflection on use of ICT in teaching and learning is well explained and organised. It's good to see you supporting the theories with pictures. Keep writing .