Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Reflection on benefits of google classroom

Reflection on Google Classroom  
For the last few years in the college we used Google classroom that is VlE, I had the opportunity to use every day. This provides a teacher the opportunity to create a class that we can join. Once in the classroom we can read the teacher’s announcement and complete assignments that the teacher has posted. The teacher can create a document in his or her drive and then post it onto the classroom page. We then click on the assignment and it is automatically saved in the drive as well as shared with the teacher in their drive.

We can then complete the assignment. When they are finished, they can submit the assignment and the teacher will know whether we did the assignment or not. Google Classroom allows a teacher to create a template and then each student can change it and add to it in the way they need to. Instead of students having to copy the document and a teacher worrying a student will alter the document, Google Classroom is a great solution.

For the past few years I have been using Google Classroom but, I do not have any ideas of creating my own classroom for my students in future. Now after taking the module called ICT in teaching and learning, I knew how to create my own classroom for my students in order to keep in touch not only in the classroom but from everywhere. In Classroom students not only submit assignments but I can post announcements and we can have discussions at anytime. We can continue our classroom discussion when we leave school and students can pose questions.

Google Classroom allows creating a worksheet that the students can complete. It also gives the templates of worksheets or activities and it is put into Drive in a separate folder. This program has allowed taking Google Docs to a new level. Through Google Classroom, we can often read a student’s writing and grade it; to find out they were not done.  Google Classroom will allow sharing documents easily, which will motivate to create more and try new things.

I believe Google classroom will open the doors to other teachers using Google Docs in the classroom since students don’t have to struggle with typing. Now, this will solve that problem. It is also very user friendly so I believe everyone will use this Google Classroom to meet the needs of the students in the simple way.

Saturday, May 18, 2019

How to use Camtasia and its benefits.

Camtasia studio is two products in one, the screen recorder and video maker and editor. It is capable of creating interactive and powerful videos that can be used for making You Tube videos and allows developing video tutorials and uploading them as well. Camtasia compromises of the following:
·         An audio and video recorder and A studio editor

Before learning the module ICT in teaching and learning, I did not have any knowledge about Camtasia.  After this module was introduced, I was able to learn everything related to the ICT which I need in my life as future. In this semester the most important that I knew is about Camtasia. As I know about the Camtasia, it allows us to edit video that is already recorded and also allows us develop video tutorials etc. We can easily record software applications, PowerPoint presentations, and Web camera videos through the Camtasia.

Moreover, I learned how to insert videos, pictures and background music to make the video attractive for the audience. This gives us many editing tools like we can record our own voice, split the parts, and work on it whenever we feel there is necessary after keeping our work saved.

With so many benefits it’s no wonder that Camtasia is the best teaching tool to cater all learners with different learning abilities. Using Camtasia we can make videos and presentation related to topic and make classroom interactive and fun learning environment. We need to use this software in teaching and learning in the classroom to enhance the students learning and teachers teaching.

Wednesday, May 1, 2019

Excel is a commercial spreadsheet application produced and distributed by Microsoft for Microsoft Windows. It features the ability to perform basic calculations, use graphing tools, create pivot tables and create macros.

Excel has the same basic features as all spreadsheet applications, which use a collection of cells arranged into rows and columns to organize and manipulate data. They can also display data as charts, histograms and line graphs.Microsoft Excel formulas, formatting options and other data management and visualization tool can helps to perform complex mathematical, logical and financial calculation faster with accuracy.

At the end I will say, that above is nothing, but little basic things that are really important for students or everyone. Microsoft Excel is really a very important application to teach, to include in classroom lecture and in the education systems and process.

It’s really important to convert facts into raw data. Then it’s important to filter or formulate that data and create meaningful information. After that, it’s really important to analyze and execute that information for knowledge. And knowledge purifies our mind, habits, culture, society, and country.